After a 10-year long hiatus, the Toronto Buddhist Church will once again join in this year’s Pride festivities in June! The last time our Temple had participated was during World Pride back in 2014, when our beloved former Reverend Christina Yanko (who always reminded us to “come as you are”) had officiated same-sex weddings—the only Buddhist minister to do so at the event.
Recalling words from the Shoshin Nembutsu Ge…
Bon jo gyaku ho sai e nyu
When ignorant and wise, even grave offenders and slanders of the dharma, all alike turn and enter shinjin
Nyo shu shi nyu kai ichi mi
They are like waters that, on entering the ocean, become one in taste with it
We are all imperfect beings. However, upon hearing Amida Buddha’s name we are reminded that we are all of the same essence.
This guides us in our commitment to inclusivity here at the TBC. This year, it is our hope that we can continue to provide a nurturing space where both LGBTQ+ children and elders within our Sangha are seen and heard.
The TBC plans to march in the Parade and will have a booth during StreetFair from June 28-30th. For more information, please contact John Sheldon—