The following gifts are currently available for purchase through the Temple. Prices, colours, book titles and availability are subject to change and do not include shipping. Please contact the office for further information.
Butsudan Adoption Program
Traditionally, inside each Buddhist home is a butsudan or “Home Altar”. It serves many purposes…you can chant, recite the Nembutsu or practice meditation in front of it, but most importantly, it is there to always remind you of the Buddhist teachings.
When our members move into a smaller location or care facility, occasionally they bring their butsudan to us and ask us to find it a new home. Each month we will feature a different one up for adoption.
This month we offer a beautiful butsudan that is sure to inspire you to chant Shoshinge every morning. With incredible detail, elaborate hardware, a pullout shelf and three convenient storage areas for all of your extra incense and candles, this butsudan would be a wonderful addition to any home.
It is 71 cm high, 46 cm wide, and 34 cm deep. Although there is no set asking price, we are hoping for a minimum donation of $75. Please contact the office at 416-534-4302 if you are interested.

Way of Life: Awareness, Reflections, Interdependence, Compassion, Gratitude
Compiled by Toronto Buddhist Church Dana
Price: $7.00
A collection of universal thoughts and quotes which provide insights into ourselves, others and the world around us.
Toronto Buddhist Church, 71pp, softcover

Bukkyo Tozen: A History of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Canada, 1905 – 1995
By Terry Watada
Price: Complimentary (donations appreciated)
This book details the history of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Canada. The Toronto Buddhist Church commemorated its 50th anniversary with the publication of this historical book which shows the struggles, set backs, growth and perseverance of the Buddha Dharma in Canada. The author, Terry Watada, is a playwright, poet, musician, educator, fiction writer and member of Toronto Buddhist Church.
Toronto Buddhist Church in association with HpF Press, 424pp, hardcover

The Heart of the Buddha-Dharma: Following the Jodo Shinshu Path
By Rev. Kenryu T. Tsuji
Price: $5.95
This is a collection of Dharma talks, pamphlets and writings by Rev. Kenryu Tsuji, first North American born Bishop of Buddhist Churches of America.
Numata Center for Buddhist Translation & Research and Ekoji Buddhist Temple, 77pp, hardcover

Currents of Change: American Buddhist Women Speak Out on Jodo Shinshu
By Patricia Kanaya Usuki
Price: $10.00
A bold and timely study of the egalitarian teachings of Shinran versus the male-dominant, culturally Japanese institution of today.
Institute of Buddhist Studies, 160pp, softcover
Religious Items

Three types of home shrines are available.

Obutsudan Accessories

Homyo Case
A protective cover for the Homyo card.

Nenju Case
These cases are available in a variety of patterns and colours.

Monto Shikisho
A symbol of our faith. There are several types and colours available:
- Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temple of Canada pattern
- Men’s
- Ladie’s

Onenju (Meditation Beads)
These onenju (prayer beads) come in a variety of colours and beads.

Sympathy Cards
Various prints available. Parchment type paper with purple prints. “Namu Amida Butsu” printed in Japanese characters with English translation inside.