Japanese Dancing
“Buyo” is a term derived from a combination of the Japanese characters for “odori” and “mai”. The term “odori” is more closely associated with folk dancing whereas “mai” is typically a more restrained, ceremonial type of dance.

Under the direction of Sensui Kozakura since 1994, the TBC Buyo Group is a Japanese dance group based at the Toronto Buddhist Church. At present, there are 18 active members ranging in age from teenagers to seniors, who enjoy learning, sharing and promoting Japanese culture through dance. They have performed at Temple events, as well as at many venues throughout the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario, and serve as ambassadors of the Toronto Buddhist Church. . Although most of the group’s dances are in the “Shin-buyo” or modern style of Japanese dance, the dance repertoire ranges from classical and folk dance styles to more modern popular music.
“Kitsuke” (the proper wearing of a kimono) is another important aspect of lessons.
Age: Minimum 6 years to 60+ years of age.
Gender: Female
Where: Toronto Buddhist Church Social Hall (basement).
- Seniors: Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm
- For all other groups: Fridays at 7:30 PM
For more information, please contact the Temple office.
Email: tbc@tbc.on.ca