wish to inform all of our Regular Members of an increase in the membership fees to be introduced starting January 1, 2017. At that time, the annual fee for Regular Members will increase from $100 to $125. As always, Honorary Members (individuals 77 years and over) will not have to pay any membership fees.
Our membership fee has remained static for many years now while the cost of providing virtually every service at the Temple, from administrative to operating to maintenance costs, has increased substantially from year to year. In fact, Jodo Shinshu Temples of Canada (JSBTC) has also raised its annual assessment for each Temple in 2016 from $70 to $80. It is true that the Temple will always depend primarily on the generosity of its donors, and will always be grateful for this source of financial support, but it cannot just rely on a steady flow of donations.
I recognize that an increase of $25 may be significant to you. I sincerely hope that it will not be an intolerable burden, and that you will believe that it will be a small price to pay for the joy and peace you feel in being part of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Roy Kusano
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Image courtesy of GPA Houston Gift Shop