Since its foundation, Japanese and Japanese-Canadian history and cultural influence have been woven throughout Jodo Shinshn practices.
The Hongwanji, located in Jyoto, Japan, is the mother temple of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha denomination. It began as a modest temple built on the site of Shinran Shonin’s mausoleum. Construction of the current Hall of Amida Buddha was completed in 1760 and in 1994 was named a UNESCO World Heritage Property.
Immigration to Canada from Japan began in the Meiji PEriod (1852-1912). In 1877, the first known Japanese immigrant, Manzo Nagano, jumped ship in New Westminster, BC. An early period of migration occurred from 1885-1909. The adjacent timeline traces many of the notable events that transpired after that period.
Timeline: Jodo Shinshu in Canada
December 12, 1905
The first Japanese Buddhist Temple was founded in Vancouver, BC under Reverend Sasaki.
April 12, 1909
The BC Government granted official recognition to Buddhism.
September 25, 1911
The first Buddhist Women’s Federation was formed (Bukkyo Fujinkai).
February 12, 1921
BC recognizes Buddhist Churches of Canada as the official Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Church.
The first Buddhist Sunday Schoool is organized by Reverend Nishimoto in Vancouver, BC.
The first Young Buddhist Federation in Canada is established.
The first Buddhist Church in Canada outside of BC is established in Raymond, AB.
June 20, 1933
Buddhist Churches of Canada is established
February, 1942
The Order-in-Council from Ottawa initiates The Great Movement of Japanese Canadians to internment
August 15, 1945
The first Obon ceremony in Toronto leads to the establishment of the Toronto Buddhist Church under Reverend Tsuji
October, 1947
The Toronto Buddhist Church purchased its first home on Huron Street.
Safe, warm and happy. Our first home at 137 Huron St. provided a place to nurture and share the religious aspects of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, and accommodate our growing social activities. Active fundraising enabled the Toronto Young Buddhist Society to purchase this residence.

February 1, 1947
The first gathering of Buddhists in Montreal, QC.
August, 1949
The first Obon service held in Thunder Bay, ON
March, 1955
The Toronto Buddhist Church moves to 918 Bathurst St. in Toronto, ON. As our membership increased along with temple activities, the original building on Huron St. no longer served our needs. We needed more space in a commercial area so property was purchased and a church built for $63,000.

The Toronto Buddhist Church extends its reach beyond its Toronto location with the ownership of Camp Lumbini, a three-cabin retreat nestled in Wasaga Beach. The history of Camp Lumbini traces back to 1958 when Sam Baba and his wife, Hisa, discovered a one-acre lot nearby their own cottage. With a vision for a youth camp for the Temple, the property’s acquisition was made possible through the collective effort of three temple organizations: Sangha, Dana, and Fujinkai. By 1964, the main building of Camp Lumbini was completed, becoming a hub for various youth programs such as Dharma lessons, swimming, and cookouts, offering spiritual enrichment and recreation for the community.
Over the years, the cottages at Camp Lumbini have become a cherished retreat for church members seeking a quiet space away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Today, the cottages remain available for rental to temple members, and Camp Lumbini continues to uphold its tradition of youth development, offering a week-long summer camp tailored for children aged 8 to 15, ensuring that the spirit of community and enrichment endures through generations.
Reverend Grant Ikuta began his tenure as a minister with the TBC and appointed as the senior minister in 1996. Reverend Ikuta played a central role in revitalizing the Temple, advocating the move from 918 Bathurst St to our current location in North Toronto.
2005: 1011 Sheppard Avenue West (Our Current Location)
In 2005, we needed to address the aging building and parking nightmares on Bathurst St. so Toronto Buddhist Church purchased property and built a new Temple, close to the Sheppard Avenue West TTC subway station and near Yorkdale Shopping Centre. The building is stylish with large rooms for classes, meetings and workshops. We have our own library, meditation room and commercial kitchen to accommodate many social functions. We also have plenty of room for parking.

Our Sangha (community) includes 300+ members, along with many other people who participate in various activities around the Temple.
We hold weekly services on Sunday morning at 11:00 am, as well as weddings, funerals and memorial services.
We welcome anyone who is interested in following the teachings of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism – it doesn’t matter what your age, race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
Come visit our Temple and see if this is the right place for you!