On May 27, the 25th Hongwanji Head Priest Ohtani Kojun paid our Temple the great honour of making a stop at the Temple on his way to the Women’s Federation Convention in Calgary. Gomonshu-sama was accompanied by Bishop Tatsuya Aoki and an entourage from Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto. The brief visit was tightly managed from Kyoto, and as a result the Temple’s participation was limited in numbers to the Management Committee and some of the senior members of the Temple. Early in the morning, Gomonshu-sama visited the Hamilton Buddhist Temple. In the afternoon he returned to the Temple to perform a small Sarana Affirmation service and later he enjoyed a pot luck supper which he specially requested. We were privileged to receive a visit from the new Gomonshusama, however brief, and we hope on his next visit that he will have the time and opportunity to greet all of our Temple members and friends.

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