This year has been particularly busy with the departure of our popular resident minister Rev. Yoshimichi Ouchi at the end of February. Without the generous help of both Dr.Jeff Wilson and Dennis Madokoro our TBC could not provide services and comfort to our congregation. In April, the welcome arrival of our new resident minister Rev. Kensho Hashimoto . It should be appreciated that Toronto is his first ministerial posting in the busiest temple in Canada. He has adapted very well with help from Bishop Aoki, Rev. Hirano, Rev. Ikuta. Jeff Wilson Sensei, Dennis Madokoro and Rev. Joanne Yuasa will continue to conduct services during Rev. Hashimoto’s lengthy Kaikyoshi training in Berkeley, California. We hope to show our appreciation to all our teachers on Sunday, September. 29th after the 11am service. Please bring your favourite dish to the pot luck luncheon.

Please write your words of appreciation to our ministers, assistant minister and minister’s assistant in the books which will be in the lobby in September.