The Toronto Buddhist Church membership drive for 2015 is off to a good start with a promising burst of membership applications in January. We want to keep the momentum going over the next few months. It seems our readers are appreciating the changes in our membership rules. They are now aware that memberships begin in January and end on December 31, and therefore, applications should be completed and submitted at the start of the year, and payment of membership dues for regular members should be made or at least promised early in the year as well. We would appreciate if you could have your membership application and payment completed by May 31st.
It appears though that some readers are still unaware of the difference between membership dues and donations. Membership dues (minimum $100) must be remitted in envelopes specially marked “Membership” and should not be inserted in the Offering envelopes in the Hondo. Cash or cheques inserted in the Offering envelopes, however marked, will be applied to donations and not to membership dues. We are seeking cooperation in this simple matter in order to reduce our administrative burden. As we have stated before, the Temple itself is only bricks and mortar and the heart of the Temple is its members who provide physical, moral and financial support and take an active interest in the operation and future prospects of the Temple. We will be pleased to see you join us.