NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF TORONTO BUDDHIST CHURCH On Sunday April 17, 2016 a special general meeting will be held in the Social Hall at 1:00 pm following services and a light lunch. The Board of Directors of Toronto Buddhist Church wishes to notify all members of the Special General Meeting of Members which will be held at the time, date and place set out above, and cordially invites all members to attend and vote on the matters raised at the Meeting. The following matters will be raised at the Meeting:
a. Permitting a Jodo Shinshu minister recognized by JSBTC to be a minister of the Temple, provided that he or she is a Kaikyoushi or approved for training to become a Kaikyoushi; b. Defining an Honorary Member as an individual over the age of 77 years who has applied one time to the Temple for membership; c. Setting the default date for the Annual General Meeting as the second last Sunday in January; d. Permitting a member to appoint a proxyholder at meetings of members provided that the proxyholder is a member; e. Permitting the election of two Co-Presidents and the appointment of two Co-Secretaries Such other business as may properly come before the Meeting. Please note that while attendance at the Meeting is open to all friends of the Temple, only members of the Temple will be entitled to speak and vote on any matters coming before the meeting. A member of the Temple is (a) one who has been designated by the Temple as an honorary member, or (b) an individual whose written application for membership has been accepted and whose membership fee is in good standing. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD |