Our temple’s operation is sustained by its volunteers. All too often much of the load of operating the temple year in and year out has rested on the shoulders of a relative few. However, a small contribution of your time – even if it’s once per month or even a few times per year – can make a big difference.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
Some of the areas where we are looking for volunteers:

Services: We are looking for people to help with the weekly after service tea and clean up. Susan Ebisuzaki has tirelessly been doing it, but now needs help. Please submit your name to the office if you would like to help Susan out. The more volunteers, the easier the task.

Naijin flowers: Are you interested in amateur flower arranging? We are looking for those who are interested in creating the arrangements on our Naijin. No experience required. All materials provided. Please contact the Temple office if you are interested: 416-534- 4302 or tbc@tbc.on.ca.
Some of the areas where we are looking for donations:

Non-perishable food items: We encourage everyone who comes to the temple, to bring 1 non perishable item. There will be a box in the lobby for donations and this will be a year-long project.

Headphones: Do you have an old headphone you can donate to the temple? It would help our seniors to hear the Sunday service. Please drop it off at the church or call and we will pick it up.

Perennial flowers: The Temple is looking for perennials to plant around property. If you are thinking of thinning out your garden, please bring them into the Temple or call the office 416-534-4302 and we will gladly pick them up.