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The Calgary Buddhist Temple “Sangha Engagement”

Is pleased to highlight these upcoming, online workshops and invite you to share these wonderful opportunities with others.

Saturday, December 12th at 2pm Mountain Time is “Kampai – Uniting People with Sake”. Yasuhiro Washiyama is the Co-Managing Director of Sake Gami in Calgary and will be including a few suggested purchases for us to do some online taste testing together! Stay tuned for all the fun and exciting details to come including registration link!

Sunday, January 24th, 2021 from 1-2:30pm Mountain Time will be “Alzheimer’s: Prevention Instead of Life Sentence”. An important learning opportunity to be presented by sangha member, Trudy Gahlinger. Registration and additional details to come – Save the Date!

Sunday, February 7th, 2021 from 2-3:30pm Mountain Time. Rev. Harada is the Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America and will be speaking to us on “Resolving Life’s Problems through Buddhism”. Registration and additional details to come – Save the Date!

Sunday, March 7th starting at 1pm Mountain Time will be “Introduction to Expressive Arts/Creative Journaling” to be

led by Sara Clark. Registration and additional details to come – Save the Date!

All our “Sangha Engagement” workshops/presentations are open to everyone! Registration is FREE and donations to local Jodo Shinshu Temple are gratefully appreciated.

“During this pandemic, nothing is better than widening your horizon mindfully and virtually. “