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  • Welcome Back Rev. Ouchi!

    We are pleased to welcome Reverend Yoshimichi Ouchi back to the Naijin after a very long year. Welcome back Rev. Ouchi! We want to thank everyone for their patience and […]

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    After the lockdown of Ontario, it was saddening to hear that the temple was shut down as well. Of course, it was understandable for the safety of everyone at the […]

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  • A Time for Rejuvenation

    It has been six months since we have been able to meet at the Temple. As many of us have serious health issues, it may be a while before we […]

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  • SOLD OUT! Temple Take Out

    We are sorry to announce this event is now SOLD OUT! Thanks to everyone for their support. ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14TH 2020, COME OUT AND ENJOY THE UNIQUE DRIVE-THRU TEMPLE […]

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