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Dharma Talks


  • Dharma Talk – July 2024

    WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ENTRUST (OMAKASE) AMIDA I am Rev. Kensho Hashimoto, the resident minister of the Toronto Buddhist Church. I hope we can enjoy the teachings of Amida […]

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  • Dharma Talk – June 2024

    MISSION STATEMENTS As part of our ongoing learning, the committee working on the temple’s participation in Toronto Pride met with JJ Viviers and Rev. Brent Hawkes of the Toronto Metropolitan […]

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  • Dharma Talk – May 2024

    Sources of Inspiration I was looking for inspiration as I researched for this month’s Guiding Light dharma talk. I turned to several sources, Rev. Kenryu Takashi Tsuji, Terry Watada, Ruth […]

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  • Dharma Talk – September 2023

    To know the truth of this life is to know that this life is uncertain. And to encounter Jodo Shinshu teaching is to encounter the Amida Buddha’s Ote-mawashi (お手回し).

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  • Dharma Talk – July/August 2023

    “Bussho” Buddha Nature Today I would like to talk about “仏性-Bussho” “仏-Bu” means Buddha and a fully Awakened Person. “性-Sho” means Nature. Bussho means Buddha-Nature or the Nature of a […]

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  • Dharma Talk – June 2023

    TBC GOTAN’E, WBWC & CELEBRATION SERVICE You might know that I left Toronto for several days to guide JSBTC members in Japan. We attended a service for Shinran Shonin 850th […]

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  • Dharma Talk – April 2023

    THE BOUGHS THAT BEAR MOST, BOW LOWEST To begin this Dharma talk, I would like to introduce my favorite saying. “実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かなminoru hodo koubeo tareru inaho kana.” That means “The boughs […]

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  • Dharma Talk – March 2023

    Nirvana Day “Giving and Receiving” Nirvana Day was held at the Toronto Buddhist Church in February. Over 2500 years ago, Shakyamuni Buddha passed away in India. In Buddhism, we say […]

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  • Dharma Talk – February 2023

    HO ONKO The Toronto Buddhist Church held the Ho’onko service in January. This annual memorial service for our founder is said to be the most important service for Jodo Shinshu […]

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  • Dharma Talk – January 2023

    New Year’s Greeting Happy New Year, everyone! At the beginning of this New Year, I would like toextend my best regards to you all. In view of the Russian invasion […]

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