Meditation & Mindfulness Workshop
Are you looking for a way to calm your mind and find peace? Mindful Mediation may help. Join us on Thursday November 26th. from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Ray […]
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AGM – Sunday January 24, 2016
In last month’s edition of the Guiding Light, we informed you that the next Annual General Meeting would be held on Sunday, January 31, 2016. At the most recent meeting […]
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Inspired by Kid’s Sangha – Giving
Since the crisis in Syria began our Temple Board has been discussing ways we can help the Syrian people forced from their homes and caught in the middle of the […]
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Rally Sunday – September 13, 2015
After the Labour Day weekend, we all returned to our regular activities – including those at the Temple. Rally Sunday was a time to renew acquaintances and see the many […]
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Eastern Buddhist League Conference – hosted by Cleveland Buddhist Temple
September 4-7, 2015 “I go to the Sangha for Guidance” The Cleveland conference was a great success from beginning to end. Throughout the weekend we enjoyed presentations from guest speakers […]
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Ontario Volunteer Service Awards 2015
On September 20 at our Ohigan Equinox Service, our Temple honoured the following eight recipients of the Ontario Volunteer Service Award (OVSA): Rose Baba 30+ years; Kay Asada 15+ years; […]
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TBC 10th Anniversary Celebration
On Saturday, September 26th, 2015, Toronto Buddhist Church marked the 10th anniversary of the move to its current 1011 Sheppard Avenue West location with a celebration, emceed by Terry Watada. […]
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Workshop in Ottawa
For some time now our ministers have been visiting Ottawa and conducting services at the Japanese Cultural Centre 3 times a year. These services are well attended, but because of […]
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Camp Lumbini 2015
Every year at Camp Lumbini there are two themes that help shape the activities and teachings the Youth engage in. The themes of this year’s edition of Camp Lumbini were: […]
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Bon Odori 2015
The Bon Odori festival saw dancers, young and old, dance their way around the JCCC parking lot to the beat of taiko drums. Kunio Suyama and Bob Nishikawa were the […]
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